Doorkeepers Of Revival Conference 2022
Live and Video On Demand of our Doorkeepers of Revival Conference, 2022.
You will have access to watch all the day and evening sessions.
A doorkeeper allows access and entry. In the assignment of sustained revival, a doorkeeper guards the door making sure that revival has an access point. If there isn’t an entry point, revival will not come. This is not just another method for the church, it is the mantle for the Church. Methods can come and go, and we can take or leave them, but a mantle demands accountability and must be worn, embraced, and stewarded. When we have the revelation that revival is a mantle that was passed to us by the Early Church then you will not negotiate, redefine, nor refuse it. The privilege to host His Holy Spirit and allow Him to move in the way He desires in the lives of people and the context of our churches is holy and it is to be cherished and championed.
The place of encounter has been lost in many of our modern church settings. Corporately the altars have been replaced with more seats and spiritually less time to tarry. Privately the altars have been replaced with competing secular weights and sins that encumber our schedules and minds. The byproduct is empty hearts that lack zeal, shallow relationships with Jesus, and no fire of the Holy Ghost in our atmospheres. The place of encounter cannot be replaced and expect to have revival. Revival requires encounter and encounter requires intentional time, effort, and priority.
We are at a crossroads in the Church. We’ve had a decade or more where we have tried to redefine ourselves without the manifest presence of God. We’ve become a generation obsessed with numbers, dollar figures, and social media “likes” and we have forgotten that it is the Holy Spirit and His Word Who should be setting our standards, not our peers. Revival…the sustained presence & power of God that results in transformation. This new decade of the Lord demands we look at revival through the lens of sustainability. It is never meant for us to digress from the point of revival, it should be fought for every moment.
Revival isn’t outdated, it may have been sidelined by new techniques and ideals, but it’s the way Jesus started His Church and is the way He will culminate it. We don’t have to sacrifice powerful moves of the Spirit just because we’re not doing what it takes to keep the door open to revival.
It is our sincere hope that as we share our journey in revival at this conference it will set your heart ablaze with the fire of Pentecost once again as you learn to keep the fire burning on the altar and to be a doorkeeper of revival!
DOR Conference 2022: Thursday AM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Thursday PM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Friday AM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Friday PM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Saturday AM Service (9AM)
DOR Conference 2022: Saturday AM Service (11AM)
DOR Conference 2022: Saturday PM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Sunday AM Service
DOR Conference 2022: Sunday PM Service